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Tune: Seasons of Love
From: Johnathon Larson

By Becca Susko, Evan Lasko, Aurelia Clunie, David Schiff and Chris Lebailly
Evanston Township High School
Evanston, IL

Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third atoms
Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third's a lot
Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third atoms
How do you measure - measure what you've got?

In kilos, in grams
In decas, in buckets of water
In inches, in miles
In dozens, in scores
Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third atoms
How do you measure so many atoms

How about moles?
How about moles?
Measure in ratios
Remember Avogadro
Every time you use moles

Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third atoms
Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third things
Six point oh two times ten to the twenty third atoms
How do you measure atoms of a gas?

1 atom of oxygen
Is 16 amus
And 16 grams
Is a mole of O too

It's time now, to learn moles
Though the counting never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember we're Avogadro's friends

Count it in moles
Count it in moles
Measure in moles
Remember Avogadro